Crossrail Bond St
With works taking just under two years to complete Bond St is one of Capisco’s largest projects to date. Our team patinated over 10,000m2 of brass material for various components of the station. The work was completed at our East London workshop with remedial finishing performed on-site.
The patina was a custom BMA finish developed for the client comparable to our Classic Patinas CAP2 & OST.
One particular highlight of the bronze-works for the station is the ceiling of the western ticket hall. which features perforated panels highlighting the nuances created by our hand applied patinas. These panels not only are a beautiful compliment to the sculptural artworks by Darren Almond - they also provide acoustic absorption.

Client: Crossrail
Architectural design: John McAslan & Partners and Atkins Grimshaw in collaboration with WSPh.
Fabrication: Sorba
Patina code : Custom CAP2/OST
Project type: Works & Remedial works on-site
Location: Davies St & Hanover Square.